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Don’t Be Shy, Let Your Flag Fly!

Today is the day to raise your flag, and fly it with pride! Two hundred and forty years ago, our country adopted the flag of the United States of America. So every year on June 14th, we celebrate Flag Day! Since 1777, the design of the American flag has been modified 26 times, until the 50-star flag that we know and love today was ordered by President Eisenhower on August 21, 1959. Flags are powerful representations of unity, freedom, a set of beliefs, and/or a group of people fighting for a cause. Fun fact: June 14th is also regarded as the official birthday of the U.S. Army. At PayLease, we take pride in our great country, and want to express our eternal gratitude for all who have served.

Flag Day may not be the most well known, or celebrated holiday, but we are all about our flags here at PayLease! We proudly fly the American Flag high at both of our office locations, and we flaunt (and photograph) our PayLease flag all over the world. Our company flag represents our shared values, and connects us as PayLeasers. We are reminded of our common goal to always embrace change in order to continue growing and evolving. Our employees are highly encouraged to maintain a work-hard/play-hard lifestyle on one condition… that wherever we play and travel, we pack the PayLease flag and capture a photo.

Over the course of this four-year running tradition, our flag really has traveled all over the globe! Failing to complete this challenge has its consequences though. Our Marketing department keeps track of each and every flag pic, and those who fail to submit one before the end of the year get put on the “blacklist.” Punishments have varied, but last year’s blacklist task is on record as the worst in PayLease history. Those who failed to complete the challenge were required to clean the office kitchens once a month for the entire year. With the threat of a grimy punishment, maybe this year will be the first year in PayLease history that no one forgets to turn in a flag photo. We shall see…

Here are some of the best submissions over the last four years & have a happy Flag Day everyone! Fly your flags, and take pride in your company, your country, and yourself! ‘MERICA!

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