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Residents sitting in living room of apartment - for multifamily property managers, Zego’s resident utility billing platform helps property managers recover utility expenses and boost collections through a streamlined resident billing process.

Automate utility cost recovery and boost your bottom line with resident billing

Utility expenses don’t have to continually harm your Net Operating Income. With Zego Resident Utility Billing, you can recover your students or residents’ share of utility expenses through a streamlined billing process. With individualized statements that reflect each unit’s utility charges, rent, and other ancillary items, everything in the resident ledger is conveniently paid in one digital transaction.

What you'll love most about Resident Utility Billing

With Zego Resident Utility Billing, automating your resident billing services for utilities can unburden your traditional multifamily, student housing, and corporate housing portfolios. Benchmark property and portfolio performance, identify trends, and pinpoint anomalies with the help of our built-in business intelligence and reporting platform.

Resident in apartment using thermostat
Increased NOI & Property Values

Reduce utility expenses

  • Recover water, sewer, trash, gas, recycling, and/or electric expenses
  • Motivate residents to curb their utility usage with consumption-based billing
  • Identify areas of improvement by benchmarking utility recovery rates across your portfolio


Property manager reviewing utility statements with Resident Utility Billing
Higher Productivity & More Accuracy

Streamlined workflows for community managers

  • Boost collections and simplify resident utility billing when residents or students pay their entire monthly balance at once
  • Critical data automatically integrates into your accounting software
  • Flexible resident billing methodologies automatically calculate what each unit or bed owes for utilities
Reduced Liability & Higher NOI

Peace of mind about regulatory compliance

  • Legal and regulatory experts monitor your account
  • Stay in compliance with federal, state, city, and municipal requirements
  • Guidance strategies that let you recover the maximum allowable rate of utility expenses

A comprehensive utility management and resident billing solution built for the multifamily and student housing industry

Utilities are the 3rd largest expense for most property management companies. Zego Utility helps you boost recovery rates, increase accuracy, improve resident experience, and enhance portfolio-wide visibility with an automated platform that is virtually zero effort for your staff.

A resident utility billing system that delivers more

  • Compliance experts who have your back

    Resident utility billing regulations change constantly. We don’t want you to ever fall out of compliance so our team continually monitors local utility regulations. If there are any regulatory updates that will impact your account, we let you know right away. Plus, we identify additional utility recoupment opportunities and review your lease language to keep you protected.

  • Convergent bills that are easy to understand, and easy to pay

    Residents shouldn’t have a problem viewing or understanding their utility bill. With resident billing, Zego’s invoices are clearly itemized to reflect each resident’s monthly charges - rent, utilities, and any ancillary fees. And with a mobile-first design, they can be viewed and quickly paid from any type of device.

  • Painless pre-bill process catches exceptions

    Ensure the accuracy of every invoice. Our Painless Prebill process clearly highlights prebills with common exceptions. Property staff know exactly what to review, can easily filter prebills, and make any necessary adjustments directly from the Zego Admin interface prior to final statement generation, saving time and preventing resident frustration.

  • Automated move-out calculator to deter delinquencies

    Tracking down former residents to pay their final utility bill is a challenge, and is often unsuccessful. With Zego’s resident utility billing software, an automatic move-out calculator allows the final utility balance to be settled before you and the resident part ways.

How resident billing works

1. We obtain your utility invoices

We retrieve each property’s utility invoices from your providers.

2. We calculate resident charges

Depending on your chosen billing methodology (RUBS or submetering) we determine what each bed or unit’s fair share of the utility charges are.

3. We produce & deliver resident bills

We itemize your residents’ utility charges, rent, and any other fees into one comprehensive monthly bill. Invoices are delivered and can be paid in full via Zego’s mobile app or through your resident portal.

4. We integrate

Payments are seamlessly integrated into the resident ledger with your accounting software.

Icon of buildings - Zego automates many of the manual tasks that bog down on-site associates. Plus, our tools make it easier to communicate and engage with residents, ultimately improving resident satisfaction with your community.

5. Communities thrive

Billing residents for their utility consumption lowers utility expenses and increases NOI.

The resident utility billing system that does it all

  • Flexible billing methodologies

    For each property in your portfolio, we’ll assess your unique business needs and the local regulatory environment. From there, we’ll determine the best recoupment structures and billing methodologies (RUBS or submeters) that will bring you the highest returns.

  • Legal and regulatory expertise

    We set you up with the most effective recoupment strategies that comply with state and municipal regulations. Our team members are also active members of the utility billing legal scene, and will inform you right away if any new laws will impact your properties.

  • Customized statement messaging

    Since residents are guaranteed to look at their monthly bill, use that space to your advantage! Our invoices offer dynamic messaging so you can grab their eyeballs about important announcements like lease renewals, upcoming events, and more.

  • Paperless billing

    Our resident billing services offer paperless options eliminating unnecessary delays in the billing process so you can get paid faster. And, you’ll save some trees while you’re at it.

  • Easy automated bill retrieval

    It’s likely you have a considerable number of utility invoices for all the properties in your portfolio. But that doesn’t prevent us from obtaining your utility invoices in a timely manner each month. With automatic bill retrieval, we can dive into the billing process shortly after your invoices are issued.

  • Seamless data integrations

    Utility billing data populates directly into property management software, giving you full visibility throughout the billing process. And with real-time data integration, there’s no need to input data across multiple platforms.

  • Submeter alerts

    Quickly learn about and address abnormal submeter behavior with proactive, customizable meter-level alerts. Pinpoint errant submeters early to prevent waste and save costs.

  • Reporting and benchmarking

    With resident utility billing, you will always have a precise picture of your utility recovery rates. Plus, compare properties portfolio-wide for continuous improvement.

Chat with a Zego expert

Become another Zego success story with property management technology that automates cumbersome resident billing workflows and accelerates NOI. See how with a customized demo.

Who We Help

Zego solves the unique utility billing challenges that burden traditional multifamily, student housing, manufactured housing, and corporate housing portfolios. With our resident billing software, owners and operators can effectively recoup utility expenses and increase their NOI.

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See what our clients have to say

  • They Are Part Of Our Team

    Zego is awesome and handles all of our payment processing, billing, and even submetering all of the utilities for all 6 of our apartment communities [2,000 units]. Zego audited our bills and found ways for us to save money and bill back to our residents more efficiently. Now we're making more money and I have more time in my day to work on more important resident facing issues.

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  • Zego is the best payment and utility partner!

    They get our money to us quickly for great cash flow. They have increased our profit using their utility monitoring, which has increased our recovery rate. They are always available to help with a problem and offer solutions.

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  • Big Part of Our Team!

    We recently began using [Zego] for our utility billing, which has been wildly successful. Our residents love the new statements, and we've found that their system is a lot less error-prone than others we have used.

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  • Easy System to Use, Integrates Well

    The integration of this billing software has saved a tremendous amount of time for property managers. Any type of program that can alleviate workload for a manager is key. [...] It is easy for both managers and residents to understand.

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The platform perks you get with Zego Resident Utility Billing

Resident enjoying Zego platform, a property management automation platform that features simple and clean workflows that help residents and staff to complete tasks efficiently.

Modern & intuitive user experience

Many proptech platforms were built in a different era and come with clunky front-end user interfaces. Zego’s offers a modern and highly intuitive user experience. Our resident utility billing services feature simple and elegant automated workflows that allow your residents and staff to complete their tasks quickly and efficiently.

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Man viewing laptop with Zego resident utility billing platform

Seamless integrations

With 20 years of building and maintaining property management systems integrations, we provide the best integrations in the industry. Our seamless connections into your accounting software save your staff time and eliminate the need for manual workarounds.

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World-class service & support

We hang our hat on delivering personalized support and strategic guidance that you won’t find anywhere else. We are a four-time winner of the Stevie Award for Client Support, and we offer 24x7x365 resident support. Our proactive Client Success Managers provide best practices and recommendations to ensure you are getting full value from the platform.

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Enterprise grade security

We know how important the security of your data is to your company and residents. Zego’s technology and internal processes greatly minimizes security risk. To be sure of this, we commission an annual SSAE18 review from an external security specialist. These security experts review our processes and confirm that we have the highest standards in place for controls, procedures, and processes.

We also adhere to a strict set of rules and best practices that are designed to protect and safeguard customer card data (PCI Level 1 Compliance). For sensitive data that flows through our system, we use 256-bit encryption, one of the most modern and secure encryption methods available.

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Zego Insights Dashboard

Gain instant insights into your properties’ utility spend and recoupment metrics so you can lower operating costs and improve revenue. Benchmark property and portfolio performance, identify trends, and pinpoint anomalies with the help of our built-in business intelligence and reporting platform.

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