Inaugural Property Manager Hero nominations and award a complete success
Written by: Nick Latz, Executive Vice President of Sales & Marketing, Zego (Powered by PayLease)
“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.’” – Mister Rogers
Mister Rogers’ words have never rung truer than in 2020. With our world in a global pandemic, our country facing historical unemployment rates, and social injustices at the forefront, it’s never been more critical to find the people who are helping. And, even more importantly, to be the people who are helping.
At Zego, our purpose is to support management teams in going above and beyond for their residents. The truth is, they’re doing it with or without us because that’s the type of people they are. They are finding new ways to create resident success. They are balancing resident needs and desires while managing staff and maintaining the financial health of their property. They are the helpers supporting our communities, most recently through one of the toughest years in recent history.
That’s why our Property Manager Hero award was born.
Every day, property managers demonstrate heroism in their communities by creating an environment in which their residents can thrive. Isn’t that what a hero is – someone who can accomplish great things in trying circumstances?
When we put out a call for nominations, I was blown away by the volume of responses and stories we received. We had only planned on recognizing one hero. However, with the quality of nominations, we realized we had to recognize more heroes.
So here are the top five property manager heroes selected by a committee of moved and inspired team members. In sharing their stories, we hope to promote further resident success for our customers and property managers across the U.S.
Fall 2020 Property Manager Hero award winner: Rose Mary Guzman, Mirabella Apartments
Nominated by: Steve Tennison, CEO, Verve Assets, LLC
“Customer service and retention start within your heart! You must want to serve your community with understanding and compassion in everything you do.” – Rose Mary Guzman
Rose Mary attributes her success to appropriate applicant screening that reduces issues down the road, active listening, proactively speaking with the residents about their challenges, and creating a personal connection with residents. What our on-demand award ceremony to hear her story and learn how Rose Mary was a hero for her community.
Honorable Mentions, Fall 2020
Cindy Cason at Keystone Townhomes
Nominated by: Robby Marsh, Owner, Boyd Legacy
“Have empathy for everyone. Show genuine care and concern, we’re all going through something. But I am stern with them – I will knock on a door every day if they owe money.” – Cindy Carson
Cindy not only conducts the company-required checks but she also goes the extra mile to find “remote clues” via social media searches and check references and documents provided. This ensures the right residents join the community so it can thrive.
Pam Davis at Basta Solutions
Nominated by: Caz Potts, Bookkeeper, Basta Solutions
“I do my job with empathy, compassion, honesty, and humility which guides me and keeps me focused on the goal at hand. I always keep the faith but most of all we have an AWESOME TEAM here at Basta Solutions.” – Pam Davis
Pam is a first-time property manager who started at her property in January. Even without a pandemic, property management can have a dramatic learning curve. Pam’s central advice, and a good, reminder for all property managers regardless of experience, is to rely on your team.
Geraldine Oostdyk at Autumn Ridge Apartments
Nominated by: Hunter Coffield, Leasing Consultant, Gran Inc.
“Always be considerate, understanding, and most importantly helpful. Always take time to listen to what your residents want or need.” – Geraldine Oostdyk
Geraldine’s 30+ years of experience in property management have led to incredible resident success before and amidst the COVID19 crisis. Recent resident outreach has included compiling a resource for residents on local non-profit organizations, helping seniors grocery shop, and creating a 200-page activity book for kids in the property once local ordinances closed schools.
Marco Falcon at The Forum at Sam Houston
Nominated by: Mike Kivitz, Regional Manager, The Preiss Company
“I’m truly blessed to have such a great team as they are the ones that make me successful.” – Marco Falocn
“Marco has created a work environment that is welcoming, fun, and productive. We’ve reduced turnover within the team by a large margin upon his arrival.” – Mike Kivitz
Marco has needed to operate in a challenging student housing market. Extra steps he has taken to ensure all residents are safe include: spraying and sealing units before move-in to ensure sanitation, conducting all work either paperless or outside, and setting aside units for quarantine to ensure containment.
To hear more about our first Property Manager Hero, Rose Mary, watch our on-demand event. We sit down with her nominator, Steve Tennison, and talk about how the ways she reduced turnover and fostered resident success in her community.