San Diego Business Journal Best Places to Work 2013
PayLease was ranked as the 13th best company to work for in San Diego, in the medium sized company category. This is PayLease’s first time on the list.
The annual list of the Best Places to Work in San Diego was created by the San Diego Business Journal, Best Companies Group, Moss Adams LLP, Fisher & Phillips LLP, and Active Network.
To be considered for the award, companies had to complete a two-part assessment, an employer questionnaire followed by an employee survey. The collected information was combined to produce a detailed set of data enabling analysis. The employer questionnaire captured information on company policies, practices and demographics. Next, an employee engagement and satisfaction survey consisting of approximately 72 statements that employees respond to on a 5 point scale. Those results were then analyzed by 8 core focus areas: Leadership and Planning, Corporate Culture and Communications, Role Satisfaction, Training and Development, Pay and Benefits and overall engagement.
Complete results of the San Diego Business Journal’s Best Places to Work can be found here.